Hi, My Name Is: Stay-At-Home-Mom?

day-to-day. habitation. the little one.

While motherhood brought many unexpected life changes, the “stay-at-home-mom” aspect has been the most surprising adjustment.  I never thought I’d be fortunate enough to be a SAHM (yes, there’s an acronym), but I couldn’t imagine it any other way.  It’s exhausting, but amazing.  Repetitious, but ever-changing.  Frustrating, but oh so worth it.  Before I get …

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Keep Palm and Carry On.


Closing in on five weeks in San Diego and I already can’t imagine my life without palm trees.  On my drive to work, heading to the store, running along the neighborhood streets – – they are everywhere.  And I love them.  When their image is synonymous with beach vacations, exploring tropical lands, Corona commercials… what’s …

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